
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Anson's Preserved Turnips Chee Cheong Fun

Anson's Preserved Turnips Chee Cheong Fun

We found Anson's Chee Cheong Fun in Nang King Kopitiam at Taipan, USJ. This typical Anson's CCF is eaten with pickled green chillies. There is no sauce for this Anson's CCF. They do provide sweet sauce and chilli sauce if you request. It is only  MYR3.40/USD1.00 for a packet, two pieces CCF and some pickled green chillies. I do not have the photo of this stall but you can find them in Nang King Kopitiam. (Opposite Pappa Rich Kopitiam)

Teluk Intan is a small town in Perak, formerly known as Teluk Anson "Anson".  My husband and I went there while travelling north during Chinese New Year two years ago.  My aunt is staying in Ipoh and she told me there is a famous CCF factory in Anson and just a five minutes drive from the famous Anson's Leaning Clock Tower. 

Leaning Clock Tower of Anson, Teluk IntanCool huh! We have one very similiar to the world famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy in Malaysia.

Liew Kee koay teow factory makes and distributes fresh koay teow and RTE Chee Cheong Fun everyday to local hawker center and they also operates at night selling RTE Chee Cheong Fun. RTE means "ready to eat", a typical Anson style CCF, cooked with preserved turnips (萝卜), minced pork, dried shrimps and fresh green shallots.

Everyday same routine standing at the same place making CCF. Pour batter evenly onto the metal trays, sprinkled minced pork and fresh shallots and place the metal trays back to the steam machine at one end. The metal trays one by one will then passed through a long steam machine. It takes about 1 to 3 minutes to comes out and another lady standing at the other end to collect the cooked CCF. Sounds cool, right! Making CCF using machine. That is mass production.

Liew Kee Teluk Intan CCF is almost legendary, hands down the most popular Chinese food in all of Teluk Intan.  Well, if you have not tasted this CCF before, then you better draft a plan now. Everyone lines up for their orders to be prepared, and be warned that the queue can be relentless on most days. Especially when people in front of you ordered 30 or even 50 packets to be taken away.

Seriously, how good is this? To justify the miles travelled, hair pulled from getting constantly at every corner, and moisture lost from the sweltering heat, as well as time spent on the queue?

First timers might be surprised to see Anson's version CCF is unlike most out there, closest sibling would be Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun, but this one with only preserved vegetable "Turnips"(萝卜) the dark brown bits, dried shrimps, aromatic shallots, minced pork and served with pickled green chillies. Personally, I like my food steaming hot, thus I have always tried to eat CCF while they are still warm. You can leave the CCF over-night, and eat them next day. I find them very addictive though, for I like CCF in every possible manner, be it the  Ipoh style CCF with various gravies, Penang's CCF with sticky prawn paste and Hong Kong's CCF with fillings of boiled shrimps and char siew. The pickled green chillies added a piquant kick to the savoury rice rolls.

Preserved Turnips Chee Cheong Fun

Minced Pork and Shallots Chee Cheong Fun

Where is Teluk Intan?

Teluk Intan is a town to the south of Perak, in district namaed Hilir Perak. If you are from south eg. Kuala Lumpur, exit Bidor from the North-South Highway, and follow signboards to reach Teluk Intan in about 30 to 45 minutes. 

If you are coming from north eg. Penang and Ipoh, you can either exit at Tapah toll, then follow signboards which will lead you to Tapah road, then all the way to Teluk Intan.


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