

I am Medea Tan.

Welcome to Food People Eat! 

Chocolate, milk, custard, butter, cakes, tomatoes, fish, bread, nyonya kuih-muih, onions, celery, ginger, eggs, pineapple, coconut milk – I could go on.  These are some of my favorite foods and ingredients.  I am madly, passionately, inexplicably in love with food. Bacon makes me beam.  Chocolate makes me shout from the rooftops with joy.  Vegetables and I are the best of frenemies. 

I am one of those people who love buying cookbooks and read them leisurely just to admire the photos. I had never spent more than 30 minutes in the kitchen up to five years ago, for cooking up rices. I grew up in a town where every family has helps for kitchen chores and I did take that for granted.

When the unpredictable life brought me to live away from home, I baffled and confused and spent long hours of phone calls home to ask for recipes to cook a simple dish. As usual I got responses such as "add a pinch of this and that, turn into small flame and cook for a while" and the food turned out to be quite inedible. This way of cooking recipes listed in the food blogs are great in the way that it is interactive and you can actually ask for clarification and direction.

I reside in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and frequent visitors to Singapore, Thailand and my home-town, Penang. I have many passions, cooking is one of them. I am completely self-taught and have no formal culinary training, just many mess-ups in the kitchen. I test most of my recipes at least twice if possible, but by no means claims to be a culinary genius. All creations and photography are my own unless otherwise noted.

Thankfully I am surrounded by people who love food - my husband, mom, dad, brothers, sisters and friends in particular, they are my official tasters. You will find a balance of healthy recipes, comfort food and indulgent desserts. These recipes have been selected because they provide taste sensations. I hope you enjoy them as much as we have.


Medea Tan
